habricks-whitepaper Version V1.0

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1. Introduction/はじめに

1.1 What is Habricks Coin/Habricks Coinとは何ですか?

1.2 Habricks Features/ハブリックス機能

2. Technologies/技術

2.1 Scrypt Technologies

2.2 Block and Block creation/ブロックとブロックの作成

2.3 Nodes/ノード

2.4 Coin and forging process/コイン・鍛造工程

2.5 Transaction : Fees and Process time/取引:手数料および処理時間

3. Features/特長

3.1 Wallet/ウォレット

3.2 Cloud Mining/クラウドマイニング

3.3 Low energy Consumption/低エネルギー消費

3.4 Agility and cost - efficiency/敏捷性とコスト効率

4. How to buy Habricks/Habricksの購入方法

5. ICO Parameters/ICOパラメータ

6. Road Map/ロードマップ

7. FAQ/よくある質問

8. Conclusion/結論

1. Indroduction

1.1 What is Habricks

Habricks is a crypto currency. This currency is like the Dollar but it is only available in the Digital world. The concept may sound like Bitcoin, and is actually not much different from bitcoin.
Habricksは暗号通貨です。この通貨はドルと似ていますが、デジタル世界でのみ利用可能です。 この概念はBitcoinのように聞こえるかもしれませんが、実際にはBitcoinとほとんど違いはありません。

Peer-to-peer itself means Habricks runs

without having a central server. The storage server is decentralized and distributed-divided into various servers run by each user connected to the network.
中央サーバーを持たない。ストレージサーバは、分散され、ネットワークに接続された各ユーザによって実行される様々なサーバに分散 - 分割される。

Transfer money easily

Just like Bitcoin, it can be sent anywhere in seconds, whenever and wherever you want. Money transfer with Habricks can happen only with a smartphone's and internet connection.

What is it Habricks Peer
Habricks Peerって何?

Peer Transactions are very easy You can transfer Habricks to anywhere in the world as long as it is connected to the internet. Habricks will be deposited into the Habricks Wallet
ピアツーピア取引は非常に簡単ですインターネットに接続されている限り、世界中のどこにでもHabricksを転送することができます。HabricksはHabricks Walletに入金されます

1.Register via Web wallet or Download Wallet app

2.Enter Habricks Address from the transaction opponent and the amount of Habricks you want to transfer

3.Klik send button

Transfer fee is very small to zero

Transfer fee can be removed until free, but to speed up transactions, you can set the cost in Habricks wallet as needed no matter how much coin is sent.

Habricks transactions are Anonymous

All the transactions we have done can be seen, but we do not know who the owner of the Habricks address isif the owner does not tell it.

Each Habricks user can actually choose whether or not his name will appear, but even if the user wants to keep his identity secret, all of his transactions are still recorded and can be monitored through blockchain

The number of coins is limited

Habricks supply will only have 50 million coins worldwide, this resembles an economic system based on deflation and with increasing supply coin Habricks prices tend to rise, when demand is high and the number of coins that remain is not increased.

Habricks is not controlled by institutions or governments Habricks that uses the Blockchain database is not controlled by a party, but is so open to the public that it is impossible for someone to forge transactions in Blockchain.

All transactions are recorded live, transparent, and spread across multiple servers. Those who want to change or falsify Habricks transaction data must hack multiple servers at the same time.

Differences Bitcoin and Habricks

In the world of cryptocurrancies, Bitcoin and Habricks are not much different, the difference is Opportunity and Price. To have one Bitcoin you have to prepare more usd 4000, Habricks has a bigger opportunity is because the price is still verycheap and you have chance for the price of ICO which is not You get the in bitcoin before.

How to Get Habricks

You can get Habricks by buying and staking. To buy Habricks can be done through exchangers who have worked with us.

1.2 Habricks Features

Habricks is Privacy and Security Centric

No central server, no personal information captured, and no data mining. Your data cannot be stolen or sold, because nobody other than you has it. Data is distributed across the nodes with redundancy and context based dynamic encryption.

NO Fees and NO Restrictions

For most users, products, and services it's free for both buyers and sellers. No commissions, no fees. Arrange for local pickup on Habricks online with the payment method of your choice including Habricks tokens, or other crypto currencies. Since your data is only yours, we are not imposing any limitations and restrictions on items that can be bought and sold

User Experience Focused

Simple, tidy, efficient, beautiful. We have top UX experts in our team. Our future roadmap includes snap-and-post super easy for-sale postings using computer vision algorithms already developed by us

Habricks / BTC Wallet integrated
Habricks / BTCウォレットの統合

We believe in lowering barrier to entry for crypto users to start using crypto for transactions through a wallet integration and friendly UI. It is a key adoption factor.
私たちは、暗号ユーザーがウォレットの統合とフレンドリーなUIを通じてトランザクションに暗号を使用し始めるのを妨げていると考えています。 それは鍵となる採用要因です。

Social Engagement

Habricks ecosystem includes not only “Buy it Now” listings, but also a variety of auctions – Silent, Regular and Dutch. It also includes online classifieds materials, in a craigslist style. Deleting boundaries between regular e-commerce and simple classifieds services will make Habricks “go to” place for a variety of selling/buying/leasing workflows
Habricksのエコシステムには、今すぐ購入するだけでなく、サイレント、レギュラー、オランダなどのさまざまなオークションが含まれます。また、オンラインクラシファイド資料をcraigslist形式で提供しています。通常の電子商取引と単純な広告サービスの境界をなくすことで、Habricksはさまざまな販売/購入/リースのワークフローのために "行きます"


1.1 Scrypt Technologies

For the basis of the stock exchange, the development of Litecoin was taken as the most convenient, fastest and most reliable block system

In Bitcoin and Litecoin networks, the data is recorded In the same way - as a linked chain of blocks, each of which contains a hash of the previous one. The difference is only in the function of finding the hash in the chains (for Litecoin - scrypt, for Bitcoin - SHA-256), the average time of the block finding by the network and the methods of confirming the performance of the work.
BitcoinとLitecoinのネットワークでは、データは同じ方法で記録されます。リンクされたブロックのチェーンとして、各ブロックには前のハッシュが含まれています。違いは、チェーン(Litecoin - scrypt、Bitcoin - SHA-256)のハッシュ、ネットワークによるブロック検索の平均時間、および作業の実行を確認する方法を見つけることにあります。

In networks Bitcoin and Litecoin transactions are carried out to addresses that are formed on the same principles - based on a public key using SHA-256 hashing. The usual Bitcoin addresses consist of 27-34 characters and start with 1 or 3. The Litecoin addresses consist of 33 characters and start with the letter L or 3.In the case of the HABRICKS token, the addresses start at H

The complexity of calculating Litecoin is selected in such a way that, on average, one block is generated 2.5 minutes,which is 4 times faster than Bitcoin, this allows you to receive transaction confirmation more quickly. Transaction,as a rule, is considered completed after 6 blocks, or 15 minutes

2.2 Blocks and block creation Since

HABRICKS Coin is a cryptocurrency based on POS algorithm, the creation of blocks is carried out through a provision of proof that the active network node possesses a certain amount of coins and therefore can participate in the generation of blocks

If the active network node—meaning that it is a user who keeps their wallet open—possesses a certain amount of coins, it will be eligible to enter the block creation process by sending the coins to itself and proving their ownership

Selection of the creator of the next valid block is made by using deterministic randomization formulas that take both the stake size and the lowest hash value into account, therefore avoiding centralization of the cryptocurrency by not letting the wealthiest members of the network infinitely accumulate their capital.

Coins and forging process Based on the POS algorithm, an active node of the blockchain network in HABRICKS Coin is randomly selected. The choice is based on their stake size The appropriate wallet will receive a daily reward or ROI for the contribution to achieving the distributed consensus

To fight the inflation and the market glut, two years after the ICO and creation of the genesis block the daily ROI will decrease twofold. The reduction in the reward by two times will be repeated every two years until the daily compensation rate reaches almost zero

As a Decentralize cryptocurrency, HABRICKS Coin will start with an open ICO. During the ICO anyone will be able to purchase HABRICKS Coin tokens and also can receive a certain number of HABRICKS Coins as a bonus. The total number of coins that are offered to the public during the ICO equals a number of coins in the genesis block, which is 50 000 000 HABRICKS
cryptocurrencyの分散として、HABRICKSコインはオープンICOから始まります。ICOの間に誰でもHABRICKSコイントークンを購入することができ、ボーナスとして一定数のHABRICKSコインを受け取ることもできます。ICO中に公衆に提供されるコインの総数は、起源ブロックのコインの数に等しい。これは50,000 000ハブリック

2.3 Nodes/ノード

The POS algorithm doesn't require massive amounts of electricity wasted on hashing blocks that are used to store a large amount of data. The nodes in HABRICKS Coin are lightweight and use SPV, standing for the Simplified Payment Verification mode, which allows users to download only a part of the blockchain relevant to their node instead of downloading the whole copy of blockchain

2.4 Transactions: fees and processing time

if we take an average transaction processing time in a POW-based cryptocurrency and compare it with the same metrics in a POS-based one, we shall see that the POS algorithm processes the transactions at least two times faster.

Thanks to the usage of SegWit, on average each block is four-times more efficient than the regular one. On top of that, the HABRICKS Coin network creates a new block within 2.5 minutes against 10 minutes in POW-based crypto currencies
SegWitの使用のおかげで、平均で各ブロックは通常のブロックより4倍効率的です。さらに、HABRICKS Coinネットワークは、POWベースの暗号化通貨で10分間に対して2.5分以内に新しいブロックを作成します

Worthwhile to mention is that the capacity to perform multiple transactions inside the HABRICKS Coin network is just sensational in the case of using the Lightning Network protocol - a side-chain payment solution on top of the original blockchain. The Lightning Network is an ideal platform for the micropayments industry
言うまでもなく、HABRICKSコインネットワーク内で複数のトランザクションを実行する能力は、元のブロックチェーンの上にあるサイドチェーン支払いソリューションであるライトニングネットワークプロトコルを使用する場合には驚異的です。Lightning Networkは、マイクロペイメント業界にとって理想的なプラットフォームです

When it comes to the transaction fees, they are estimated to be at least ten times lower than those in cryptocurrencies powered by the POW algorithm. Such a significant decrease in the transaction costs is possible thanks to a lack of physical mining of coins in POS algorithm and well-balanced distributions of coins among all active members of the network


3.1 Wallet

HABRICKS Coin comes with an array of wallets for desktop, iOS, Android, and web applications. HABRICKS Wallets provide all necessary features for the comfortable daily use of the cryptocurrency and do not require much space on your PC or smartphone

The outstanding advantage of the HABRICKS Wallet is that it requires a very tiny amount of space for its installation compared to the Bitcoin Core and therefore can be used by anyone, anywhere, and anytime. HABRICKS Coin is designed over a Proof-of-stake algorithm, which makes full node wallets a thing of the past.
HABRICKS Walletの優れた利点は、Bitcoin Coreに比べて設置スペースが非常に小さくて済み、誰でも、どこでも、いつでも使用できることです。HABRICKSコインは、完全ノード・ウォレットを過去のものにする、Proof-of-stakeアルゴリズムで設計されています。

Since there's no physical mining of coins required and the distributed consensus is achieved via proof of possession of coins in one's wallet ; you are not obliged to download the full copy of the blockchain to use HABRICKS Coin, resulting in less disk space usage

3.2 Cloud mining/クラウドマイニング

As it was mentioned above, users of HABRICKS Coin do not need to constantly hash data using costly equipment that consumes a lot of electricity. However, to enter the coin forging pool and be able to earn with HABRICKS Coin, one simply needs to keep the wallet online to be considered an active blockchain node
上記のように、HABRICKS Coinのユーザは、大量の電力を消費する高価な機器を使用してデータを常にハッシュする必要はありません。しかし、コイン鍛造プールに入室し、HABRICKSコインで稼ぐことができるようにするには、オンラインで財布をオンラインのままにして、アクティブなブロックチェーンノードとみなすだけです

Aforementioned is definitely a better and a lot more eco-friendly way of maintaining the blockchain integrity and security yet it might likewise lead to some little unnecessary power spending. This is one of the reasons why HABRICKS Coin offers a cloud mining service available for all of its users irrespective of whether they are just regular users or big investors
前述したように、ブロックチェーンの完全性とセキュリティを維持する上で、より環境にやさしい方法は間違いありませんが、同様に不必要な電力消費につながる可能性があります。これは、HABRICKS Coinが通常のユーザーであるか大手投資家であるかにかかわらず、すべてのユーザーが利用できるクラウドマイニングサービスを提供する理由の1つです

The cloud mining services will be provided by HABRICKS Coin and several other trusted thirdparty companies so that the cryptocurrency members can enjoy a wide selection of payment options and service conditions tailored especially to their needs
クラウドマイニングサービスは、HABRICKS Coinと他の信頼できる第三者企業によって提供されるため、暗号化メンバーは、特にニーズに合わせて幅広い支払い方法とサービス条件を選択できます

3.3 Low energy consumption/低エネルギー消費

According to publicly available statistics, currently, some of the POW based cryptocurrencies use up to 14.18 TW/h of electricity annually, which is comparable to the total power consumption in the entire country of Slovenia
公開されている統計によると、現在、POWベースの暗号化通信の一部は、毎年最大14.18TW / hの電力を使用しており、これはスロベニア全国の全電力消費に匹敵する

A rapid growth of any POW based crypto currency will undoubtedly lead to a sustainable increase in electricity consumption

3.4 Agility and cost-efficiency/俊敏性とコスト効率

Since HABRICKS Coin is based on the Proof-oftake algorithm, which was also developed to make cryptocurrencies more resource efficient and ecofriendly, our users don't need to buy expensive equipment also known as ASICs. Most likely these ASICs get obsolete within just one year after purchase and eventually end up at the rubbish dump. It's a waste of massive amounts of electricity on performing unnecessary calculations
HABRICKS Coinは、暗号化通信のリソースをより効率的かつエコフレンドリーにするために開発されたProof-Oftakeアルゴリズムに基づいているため、ユーザーはASICとも呼ばれる高価な機器を購入する必要はありません。ほとんどの場合、これらのASICは購入後わずか1年以内に時代遅れになり、最終的にゴミダンプで終わる可能性があります。不必要な計算を実行すると大量の電力が浪費されます

4.How to buy HABRICKS

In order to become an investor and purchase a HABRICKS coin, you need to take several actions

Go to the site of the exchange -

Register on the project Log in to your account and deposit those purses with which you would like to purchase a coin. Available: BTC. The platform supports many popular payment methods you can choose on deposit page

Go to the trading page of HABRICKS coin. Click on the placed order by the exchange and get the required number of coins

Coins will be stored on the internal purse of the exchange and will be available for bidding or withdrawal on personal account right after ICO ends

5.ICO Perameters/販売用

Pre Sale

To implement Habricks's vision, we are launching an initial coin offering (ICO) to issue HB Tokens on the public blockchain. The tokens called HB Token will be issued during the Pre-ICO and ICO. The pre-ICO will be launched to determine the hardcap (how many tokens to be issued totally) for the ICO, only 16000000 of the 50000000 tokens will be distributed during pre-ICO

On the 7th of October 2017 at 12AM London time, Habricks will launch its pre-ICO to distribute 16000000 of the token supply to determine the price and Hardcap (the total supply of tokens) for the ICO. The price of a token during the pre-ICO will be 0.80 USD (there is no minimum purchase amount), and the price during the ICO will depend on the total number of tokens issued during the pre-ICO

Token Name:HB Token CoinAbbreviation:HBC Maximumcoinsupply:50 Million Total Tokens for Sale in pre-ICO:16000000 Algorithm:Scrypt Accepted Cryptocurrencies:BTC Pre ICO Token Rate:0.80 USD On Exchange Token rate:1 USD POWblockreward:50HBC Timebetweenreward:120Second Minnimumstakeage:45day Maximumstakeage:90day POSYearlyinterest:10%
トークン名:HBトークンCoinAbbreviation:HBC Maximumcoinsupply:50,000,000前のICOでの総トークン数:16000000アルゴリズム:Scrypt Accepted Cryptocurrencies:BTC Pre ICO Token Rate:0.80 USD Exchangeトークンレート:1 USD POWblockreward:50HBC Timebetweenreward:120Second Minnimumstakeage :45day最大ステーキング:90日POSIarly interest:10%

All collected funds shall be received and stored on wallets with multi-signatures. Pre ICO Token Sale Pre Sale Fund Distribution



HB Token will be a token sold to the general public. A person doesn't have to be Cryptocurrency savvy or have any knowledge of the way it works to take advantage of our economic model. Thanks to our model, customers don't even have to know that HB Token is a cryptocurrency at all. In fact, we expect it to act as a bridge for people who aren't already aware of the power of this amazing technology and contribute to its further spreading thanks to the incentives offered by our platform and it seas of use
HBトークンは一般に販売されるトークンになります。人はCryptocurrencyに精通している必要はありませんか、それが私たちの経済モデルを利用する方法についての知識を持っている必要はありません。私たちのモデルのおかげで、顧客はHB Tokenがcryptocurrencyであることをまったく知る必要はありません。実際には、この驚くべき技術の力をすでに認識しておらず、私たちのプラットフォームが提供するインセンティブとそれが使用する海のおかげで、さらなる普及に貢献してくれる人々のための架け橋として期待しています

Habricks will be used in the day to day life of its holder as it will be accepted as a mean of exchange by retailers, e-commerce and service providers. Since we directly choose the retailers whom to do business with, we will incentives this process by largely favoring the ones who decide to accept HB Token as a means of payment

Pre ICO:0.8$ ICO:1$ On Trade:10$ After1year:200$
プレICO:0.8 $ ICO:1 $トレード:10 $1年後:200 $

Habricks Technology Ltd www.Habricks.org Being this the case, the value of HB Token will be granted by the size of the market that backs it up, as more people become aware of our Value Proposition
Habricks Technology Ltd www.Habricks.orgこの場合、HB Tokenの価値は、価値提案を認識する人が増えるにつれて、それを支持する市場規模によって付与されます

The increase in the value of HB Token wills also positively affect the participation cost to the events, since it is calculated as a fraction of the retail price of the product in any fiat or crypto currency

This implies that a person that bought say 100 HB Tokens at 0.80 USD, having the value increased to 8.80 USD, will be able to join 10 times more events with the same amount of coins.

Being Habricks the largest Token Holder, the price of HB Token will be largely infuienced by our presence in the market
最大のトークンホルダーであるHabricksであるため、HB Tokenの価格は、市場での当社のプレゼンスによって大きく左右されます


  • Oct2017 PRE SALE-ICO ICO


Why should I buy HABRICKS?

Habricks as stock exchange will support new coin by using part of its income for trading with it. That will increase value of HABRICKS while stock exchange grows.

Who can participate in ICO sale?

The Token sale is intended to All Peoples No Restriction to Buy Coin & Token

When will ICO end?

Presale starts October 07 and ends October, 22. The price will change from $ 0.80 to $ 1 during all period of ICO

What about emission?

During ICO period 16000000 HABRICKS will be available. Maximum emission is 50000000. 10000000 HABRICKS will be available for sell during ICO. 6000000 HABRICKS will be available for sell during presale period
ICO期間16000000 HABRICKSが利用可能になります。最大排出量は50000000です。ICO期間中、10000000個のHABRICKSが販売されます。6000000 HABRICKSは販売期間中販売可能です

What about unsold coins?

Unsold tokens will be distributed between all who bought at least any amount of token while ICO

Will be HABRICKS traded in other platforms?

Yes, we will do our the best to make it available as soon as ICO ends

When can I withdraw coins to my own address?

As soon as ICO ends November, 22 you can create your wallet in newly started blockchain and make withdrawal request to it.

Can I sell token as soon as I bought it?

No, during the ICO only original token holder (Habricks) can sell it. You can sell it as soon as ICO ends November, 22

What about price of token?

We set that price is hight just to maximize possibility for users to participate and to be sure that everybody can buy it before its sold out


Thank you for reading project white-paper. We demonstrate strong growth in all indicators and are constantly engaged in development and completion of the site, believing that we can change the overall quality of the services provided in the market.

Habricks Coin記事はこちら

Best regards Habricks team.


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